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Catching Z's: The Millennials Guide to Mindfulness

Sep 29, 2018

Sharon Salzberg leads us in a very simple, calming meditation. 


Sharon Salzberg interview

Sep 26, 2018

Zach and Nick chat about this months Dyad: What is one daily mindfulness or compassion practice that might help you develop your well-being? The well-being of others? 


SIYLI Dyad Resources

Sep 17, 2018

We had the pleasure of having another one of the lovely gentlemen from MeditationWorks join us for this episode.  This time we interviewed Josh Leider, Chief Marketing Officer and cousin of Co-Founder Jake Leider. Josh brought a unique perspective as he talks about how camp brought him into his mindfulness practice...

Sep 9, 2018

Jon Carson leads us in a short, simple breath meditation that can be done at any time to help keep us centered. 


Jon's Twitter


Sep 4, 2018

Hope everyone had a labor-free, Labor Day.  This week we are thrilled to have a one of a kind guest on our show Jalen Gildersleeve.  Jalen not only has an amazing company called, MindHaK, but he lives his life with a passion, gusto, and relentlessness that should be used for a role model for all living beings.  By the...